
Compatibility Information

If this message does not disappear after a short moment:

Your Browser may be incompatible

You can either use a current version of FireFox or Chromium/Google Chrome/Opera.

In order to run Metapolator in Chrome, Opera, or Chromium

  1. Make sure that chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony is disabled (it is by default).
  2. Close all running instances of Chromium/Chrome/Opera.
  3. Then start it from the command-line like so:

    # if the command for your chrome-browser is "chrome"
    $ chrome --js-flags="--harmony --harmony_proxies"
    # in a current *ubuntu linux that might be for chromium:
    $ chromium-browser --js-flags="--harmony --harmony_proxies"
    # and for chrome
    $ google-chrome-stable --js-flags="--harmony --harmony_proxies"
    # and for opera
    $ opera --js-flags="--harmony --harmony_proxies"